Ross County Genealogical Society
Ross County Genealogical Society
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Maple Grove Cem. (aka Hallsville Cem. and Dresbach Cem.)
(Colerain Township, Ross County)
State Route 180
Hallsville, Ohio
Located 1/2 mile west of Hallsville on the southeast corner of the intersection of SR 180 and Walnut Creek Road.
This cemetery is probably the second oldest in the township, the first burial being Jacob Strawser who was killed in 1811 at the barn raising of Martin Dreisbach. It has been a burial ground since that time, but was not laid out as a cemetery until 1844.
It was copied in 1987 by Doris Kottsy, Caroline Whitten, Sharon Hill, Glenda Zonner, Sue Sewards, Margaret Strausbaugh and Virginia Stout. In 1999 it was copied by Betsy DeLong and Bob Casari.